Sunday, April 28, 2013

Our 2lb miracle...I'm learning from him... has been awhile since a long post, thought I would update a bit. Alexander on Friday was 6lbs4oz!!!! He had his eye appointment and everything looked great. He is acting more like a term makes me so happy!! I decided to give him bottle and he is actually doing really good with nursing and his supplement bottle with his "calorie juice" in it (with breast milk) so....I definitely cried the first time but I'm getting ok with it, he is growing and that is what matters.  He actually loves nursing and just being close to me, it melts my heart. I prayed for that and still pray for that. I got a little nervous when everything happened about us bonding But God knew what HE was doing and Alexander and I have a very special bond that won't compare to anything else. Davidson and I have a different bond than what Bruin and I will have. I will cherish each moment with Alexander he is our little 2lb miracle which is over 6lbs now. I am learning a lot being a mummy of two, Thank you God for this opportunity to be a mummy to these two beautiful boys in my life. 

“CHRISTIAN HOPE IS STRONGLY LINKED TO MY Presence—which is with you now and throughout eternity. So the more aware you are of My Presence, the more hopeful you will feel. Even though you believe that I am with you always, there may be times when you feel distant from Me. This diminishes your hopefulness.
Do not hesitate to ask for My help. For instance, you can simply pray, “Jesus, keep me aware of You.” This prayer is so short and simple that you can use it as often as needed. Sometimes you limp through a day feeling empty and alone. But I say to you at such times, “You do not have because you do not ask.”
Hoping in Me is the most realistic way to live because of who I am. Since I am the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, nothing can thwart My promises. As you marvel at how great, glorious, and trustworthy I am, your praises will fill you with hope—and with rich awareness of My Presence.”

Excerpt From: Young, Sarah. “Jesus Today.” 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My big boy.....

My Alexander is a big boy lifting his head at tummy time. Just wanted to share this. Below is my manny brother Ethan....he has one more week with us:( I'm trying everything I can to make him stay. He will be missed greatly!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Milk pick up 101

One thing I am really thankful for are my milk donors, whom I will consider my lifelong friends. It's hilarious how the milk hand-offs have happened for us. It's very comical, to say the least. A friend, we will call her "K", was an hour or two away from Chapel Hill, but she expressed that she wanted to donate milk to Alexander. Of course I said Yes! Any who, this is how it all went down. On a Sunday around 10:00 PM (lol!), my brother and I drove down a street in Durham to meet K's sister and brother-in-law my. We got out, they opened their Trek and pulled out a cooler, hah! Ethan and I were like, "Oh my Gosh!" This is amazing and of course I started crying and hugged K's sister, who I had never met before this milk exchange. We put the cooler in our trunk, said "thank you" and drove away. Ethan and I laughed the whole ride home because of how crazy I am and how stinking blessed my baby is that we have the option to keep him on donor milk. As I look up the Facebook pages that help out mothers that are in need of milk it breaks my heart. It breaks my heart because I know how precious these mothers care and truly want the best for their babies; and how they will do anything to provide that. Even if that means to drive hours away to pick up milk for their babes. This morning, Ethan and I had another adventurous milk pick-up. It was actually a really relaxed, in-and-out pick up with a friend. We met at a Starbucks, I got a decaf latte and picked up the milk. We chatted a bit about my story and her birth story. Her little girl was delivered by the same midwife that delivered Davidson and she LOVES Womack just as much as I loathe it! On a side note, I really want to blast away a post about Womack but I won't. I will hold my tongue and move on. Although, I will say that the first thing I am asking all the doctors that I'm interviewing for a PCP if a woman comes in who is 25 weeks pregnant with fever, vomiting and excruciating pain in her right side, what is the first thing you would do?! I'm still a little Bitter Betty over here.

Anyway, if you are interested in donating milk, or if you need donor milk yourself, google "eats on feets" and "human milk 4 human babies". Both have chapters in every state and all the mamas are so awesome! Also visit for the most up to date information on pumping, storing and donating guidelines to keep milk sharing safe and sanitary. 

My new favorite face book page

This is my new favorite Facebook page. Check it out Mamas when you get a spare moment. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Home again home again lets start this new gig

April 9, 2013

Seventy-one days my baby boy was in the NICU. I still can't believe we are home. Davidson is loving being at home and he is loving his brand new baby brother. The day we were discharged, I felt like I was stealing my baby or something from the NICU.  It was a strange feeling. As soon as we got him in the car though, I took a deep breathand thought "let the next season and adventure begin."  My mother-in-law came to help since my hubby is away for a few weeks. Ugh! My heart hurt so badly when he wasn't there when we were discharged. When we got home we had no food, my flowers were all dried up, and I still had my scarecrow and pumpkin rug at my front door. Thepotatoes in my pantry were growing like trees!

It takes a village; literally. I'm so thankful my family is so supportive and have taken turns throughout this whole mess. 

Yesterday was Alexander's pediatrician appointment and he weighed 5.8 pounds. When we left the NICU on Friday, he weighed 5.4 pounds.  I am hoping he hits 6lbs. next week for when my parents are here. We will be having a 6lb party, cake and all! 

My boys pediatrician gave me some wisdom as I cried to her because of everything. She said, "Let Davidson be Davidson and Alexander be Alexander. We are in a good place considering how early he was. " 

“I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU; YOU NEED ONLY TO BE still. I know how weary you are, My child. You have been struggling just to keep your head above water, and your strength is running low. Now is the time for you to stop striving and let Me fight for you. I know this is not easy for you to do. You feel as if you must keep struggling in order to survive, but I am calling you to rest in Me. I am working on your behalf; so be still, and know that I am God.
Quieting your body is somewhat challenging for you, but stilling your mind may often seem downright impossible. In your striving to feel secure, you have relied too heavily on your own thinking. This struggle to be in control has elevated your mind to a position of autonomy. So you need the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to control your mind more and more— soothing you from the inside out. Take time to rest in the shadow of the Almighty while I fight for you.”

Excerpt From: Young, Sarah. “Jesus Today.” 

Monday, April 1, 2013

" if breastfeeding offends you, put a cover over your head!"

A hot topic... And strangely, the NICU nurse keeps asking "Bottles, bottles?" A few nurses have been extremely kind and supportive of my whole outlook on this SNS breastfeeding experience. I'm hoping to pave the way for future mummy's in my shoes. I will be first to tell you that if this was my first baby, I probably would have given up. Shoot! I could be sleeping rather than pumping every 2-3 hours,the nurses could do all the feedings and I would feel way less exhausted. BUT, I had a little blue boy named Davidson almost 3 years ago and we actually just stopped nursing in August/September of 2012. To bad we stopped; maybe I would have had more milk for Alexander,but we can't go back in time. Gosh, I wish I could go back some days. For me in this wholebreastfeeding journey has a lot to do with my baby being in the care of so many different nurses for the first 2 months of his life. He has never met his brother, sees his dad on weekends for a few hours and has had surgery before the age of one. The one thing that only I can do with him is feed him. He knows me, he knows my voice, knows my scent and knows I am his mummy and I feed him. I talked a few days ago with a friend about the struggles she wentthrough trying to breastfeed, and as moms we know the feelings each other feels because we are moms. If you aren't a mom or haven't ever breastfed your baby, you wouldn't get it. A lot of the nurses and doctors say to me that they admire my efforts and my determination. I'm basically just doing what my heart is telling me to do. I'm praying about it and God is helping me understand patience. I have been staying over night and during the day at the hospital since Thursday, it is now Monday morning, and I really want to go home. :(Alexander is doing great. He is improving but still needs to keep up on the feeding. I will end this post with this...

“I ALWAYS LEAD YOU FORWARD. When you are going through hard times, you tend to look back longingly at seasons when your life seemed easier, less complicated. You daydream about those simpler times—looking at them through rose-colored lenses. Even your prayers reflect this yearning to go back to earlier, easier circumstances. But this is not My way for you!
Because of the nature of time, there is only one direction to travel, and that is forward. Your life on earth is a journey—beginning at birth and ending at the gates of Heaven. I am your Guide, and your responsibility is to follow Me wherever I lead. Sometimes I take you to places you would rather not go, but this is My prerogative as your Savior-God. I am also your Shepherd. I always lead you along the best possible path—no matter how painful or confusing it may be. When your path takes you through a dark valley and you are struggling, look to Me for help. Follow Me obediently, trusting Me in the midst of darkness and confusion. I am tenderly present with you each step of your journey. As you stay close to Me."
Excerpt From: Young, Sarah. “Jesus Today.” Thomas Nelson