Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19...I feel like I'm missing a few limbs without my boys.

Today my morning started at 4:30 am.....feeding baby A and saying my "see you laters" to my boys. My hubby got me a ticket to fly out and see him before he ships out of here. God knew I needed it because I spent practically the whole day in tears. Davidson is really missing Daddy and keeps saying to me " I miss daddy, but he is going to come back and he will take us to out other home" he will randomly spark up a conversation about the toys, his room in North Carolina and his daddy who is "at work" fighting the bad guys. We got to Skype with daddy the other day and Davidson asked him to show him his room and toys. Alexander just try's to talk and show off for daddy with his crawling/yoga poses. We went on our weekly trip to target yesterday to get grapes for Davidson's teddy bear picnic at school today and we saw a soldier....and of course my son went up and said, "hi, do you have a daughter?" It made as feel like home though, because at our target in Fayetteville it's rare to see someone not in uniform. It was a comforting feel to see a soldier....and he told Davidson to be a good boy for me:) anyway..I'm off on a mini vaca to sleep, sleep in, hug and kiss my husband as many times as I can before kids....:) I might even shower a few times a day and take a bath every night. Thank you for everyone back in Massachusetts who will take care and love my boys while I'm gone. 

The End.........

Thursday, September 5, 2013


September..ABC and 123's

So...another post which is long past it's due date. Sorry!! Our life is a bit in the air now. BUT I'm feeling a sense of routine now. D had some leave so we all drove up to New England, and those weeks went way to fast for our little family. All of a sudden I was saying "see you soon" to my husband...which our "see you soons" are months long. Any way...we have been here in Massachusetts for about a month now. I'm working out like WHOA! And want Dave to say WHOA! The next time he sees me :) I'm actually training for a half marathon at least that's my little goal this deployment. We also put Davidson in Preschool full days two days a week. Before I had kids and before I only had one squish I was totally like" I am keeping them home with me till After kindergarten and then life happens, deployments happen and another squish came into our lives and I LOVE my days with just Alexander. Alexander and I miss Davidson on those days but its our special days for just us, pretty special. Davidson is also doing incredible in school. He loves it, is having fun, and learning. I'm loving being around my family and having extra hands and of course LOVING Uncle angel :) He is an amazing Uncle to Davidson and I'm so happy he is here to tag team with me.  I'm loving that Davidson is going to SSCA with my mom, and loving that my dad meets us at the playground to push Davidson on the swing while I feed A, or randomly takes him to see the horses down the street. I'm trying to see the positives in this new adventure our little family is on. 

On a heavier side my 2 lb baby had his first appointment at Boston Medical and he is 14lbs 12.3 oz and 25 in long!!! He is rolling, laughing, and loves to pull his big brothers flowing locks.