January 24th 2013, I gave birth to another beautiful baby boy, Alexander Ray "Bruin" Strysko. He was 27.6 weeks (gestational age) and weighed 2 pounds, 8 ounces. He was a fighter in my belly and is still a little fighter. His big brother "Blue" hasn't been able to meet him yet, but the first time he saw a picture of him he said, "Oh..look at that cute baby tiny dinosaur!" Blue's birth was totally different from Bruin's. I had a very smooth, natural water birth, and nursing went great. It was a beautiful story. With this second birth, boy, did I have plans! I actually planned to have a homebirth with Alexander. I wanted to labor how I wanted, to be at home, to have Blue there, etc. About a week or so after I delivered Alexander I realized I was grieving a bit. I should have still been pregnant. Actually, as I write this (and as you read this) I should be almost 34 weeks along. I should still be pregnant. I loved being pregnant with Blue and with Alexander, it just was shortened a bit this time. I had to come to the conclusion in my mind and heart that having him a bit earlier was, and is, a privilege. I get to see my baby grow outside the womb! I get to see him develop and learn things that if he was still in my tummy I couldn't see. It actually is truly such a miracle and is amazing to witness. It was on the third day that I actually got to hold him skin to skin. It was love at first sight, but the day I got to finally hold him, I felt God so near us. In that moment, there was a peace that came over me that I can't really explain.
“In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. —Psalm 94:19 NKJV
“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.” —John 16:22 NKJV