Today is Alexander's 53rd day. He will be 36 weeks gestational and he weighs 4pounds, 5 ounces. I will try to catch you all up since I haven't posted in a week or so. Sometimes in the NICU, your days just morph together. The days go by super fast as well because every three hours you're changing diapers, taking temps., changing clothes (Bruin makes me do tons of laundry), talking to nurses, talking to doctors, and trying to grab some food before you have to pump. It's like a rat race… My life has been crazy since January 1st! I actually got a little sick a few days ago, but feel much better now. I caught a head cold or something after spending the night with Bruin. Our sleepovers went really well. The best sleepover was when Daddy was there; he helped me out a lot.
Bruin is doing well. I get a bit discouraged on sleepover nights because I want him to just eat everything so we can go home. We are so close… He will take about 15-20mls. while nursing (using the SNS). The SNS is a great little tool for all you breastfeeding mamas who are having trouble for some reason. Email me if you have any questions. They are still working with us and this week I will come in and feed him without them giving him any supplement afterwards (his feeding tube). They want to see him taking all his milk for 48 hrs before we can go home. Right now he takes about half from me then he gets really tired and falls asleep. He is still a little one. He needs a few more days to grow and mature and he will be golden. I am getting excited and can't wait until our little family is back home, and I can have my home-birth discharge party, lol!
On Saturday we took Davidson to a spring carnival; it was so much fun. Davidson is loving school and already has "crushes" on his teachers. His vocabulary is increasingleaps and bounds. He is going to be a great big brother, and we cannot wait for theday he gets to meet Bruin.
Shout out to my wonderful Manny!!! Ethan Ray, my brother, has been with us since the start of this journey. He came out when I had my appendix out and just happened to be here when baby Bruin came into the world. He has been such a blessing and Davidson has been so grounded throughout this whole ordeal because of you, Ethan. I know you have seen and learned things you probably never thought you would, but your wife will thank me one day. You deserve the best, so hold on and God will bless you so much. Thank you, Ethan, so much. You help me see the joys in the storms and you take care of us here. :) Thank you for making me feel better about my white hair as well! Thank you for loving Davidson and teaching him his Bible verses and learning that girls are trouble. :) 

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