Rachael Janokovic wrote a profound post over at Desiring God Ministries about motherhood – here’s an excerpt:
Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.
Christian mothers carry their children in hostile territory. When you are in public with them, you are standing with, and defending, the objects of cultural dislike. You are publicly testifying that you value what God values, and that you refuse to value what the world values. You stand with the defenseless and in front of the needy. You represent everything that our culture hates, because you represent laying down your life for another—and laying down your life for another represents the gospel."
I thought that was good. The other day meeting a girl to pick up more milk just gave me goosebumps. My mops girls at my table actually prayed for my supply to increase and prayed God would give me over in abundance for Alexander. Well He has...just not with my milk...with other mommies milk, and that's ok, it's actually a HUGE blessing. I know I keep blogging about this, but I have to keep reminding myself that my baby is going to be fine and I'm going to be ok. There are days I get really down on myself about not having a supply enough for him and I get really mad. I think I'm at that mad, angry point in the whole grieving process of having A early. It's normal and actually healthy. It's much easier to be mad than crying my head off as well hah! I'm more upset with how things were handle with me at the hospital when I went in for my appendix. I'm trying really hard to say positive things after I say something negative about the whole thing. Here are the stages of grieving...I'm taking it one day at a time and healing when I hold my precious miracle and when I say out loud Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord for all you have done and given us. Thank you for reminding us to trust in You in everything, even in the tiniest things :)
Many people do not experience the stages in the order listed below, which is okay. The key to understanding the stages is not to feel like you must go through every one of them, in precise order. Instead, it’s more helpful to look at them as guides in the grieving process — it helps you understand and put into context where you are.
1. Denial and Isolation
2. Anger
As the masking effects of denial and isolation begin to wear, reality and its pain re-emerge. We are not ready. The intense emotion is deflected from our vulnerable core, redirected and expressed instead as anger. The anger may be aimed at inanimate objects, complete strangers, friends, family. Emotionally, however, we may resent the person for causing us pain or for leaving us. We feel guilty for being angry, and this makes us more angry.
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
http://www.liveaction.org/ please check this site out! Lets pray for Justice for all the aborted babies.
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