Thursday, April 11, 2013

Home again home again lets start this new gig

April 9, 2013

Seventy-one days my baby boy was in the NICU. I still can't believe we are home. Davidson is loving being at home and he is loving his brand new baby brother. The day we were discharged, I felt like I was stealing my baby or something from the NICU.  It was a strange feeling. As soon as we got him in the car though, I took a deep breathand thought "let the next season and adventure begin."  My mother-in-law came to help since my hubby is away for a few weeks. Ugh! My heart hurt so badly when he wasn't there when we were discharged. When we got home we had no food, my flowers were all dried up, and I still had my scarecrow and pumpkin rug at my front door. Thepotatoes in my pantry were growing like trees!

It takes a village; literally. I'm so thankful my family is so supportive and have taken turns throughout this whole mess. 

Yesterday was Alexander's pediatrician appointment and he weighed 5.8 pounds. When we left the NICU on Friday, he weighed 5.4 pounds.  I am hoping he hits 6lbs. next week for when my parents are here. We will be having a 6lb party, cake and all! 

My boys pediatrician gave me some wisdom as I cried to her because of everything. She said, "Let Davidson be Davidson and Alexander be Alexander. We are in a good place considering how early he was. " 

“I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU; YOU NEED ONLY TO BE still. I know how weary you are, My child. You have been struggling just to keep your head above water, and your strength is running low. Now is the time for you to stop striving and let Me fight for you. I know this is not easy for you to do. You feel as if you must keep struggling in order to survive, but I am calling you to rest in Me. I am working on your behalf; so be still, and know that I am God.
Quieting your body is somewhat challenging for you, but stilling your mind may often seem downright impossible. In your striving to feel secure, you have relied too heavily on your own thinking. This struggle to be in control has elevated your mind to a position of autonomy. So you need the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to control your mind more and more— soothing you from the inside out. Take time to rest in the shadow of the Almighty while I fight for you.”

Excerpt From: Young, Sarah. “Jesus Today.” 

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